Tuesday 27 January 2009

Film Classification

Film Classification
Films are classified by the local authorities who also license cinemas using the Licensing Act 2003. The reason for film classification is that it can protect viewers from unsuitable content, and advise appropriate ages for particular categories. A film will be awarded a certificate, which will state the age of which is required for the viewer.
Classification decisions rely on the contents of a film, a film classified as a 15 may contain strong language and violence, or moderate sex references. Whereas an 18 classification may include strong, bloody violence, strong sex references, hard drug use, torture or terrorisation.
Evidentially, it is the extent to which the violence or language is contained throughout the film that determines the classification. A film containing minor taboo at the beginning, compared to one containing strong language throughout will have an effect on whether it is suitable for any person younger than 18.
The examiners that classify films can also recommend cuts from the films if required.

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