Tuesday 27 January 2009

Crime Film Research

Mind map
Thriller Conventions

A thriller will usually consist of heroes and villains. In a typical thriller film, the hero will try to prevent the plans of the villain or enemy. In comparison with a detective crime film, the crime will not have already been committed, it will be in the process of being prevented. The hero in a film will more often than not be played by a male actor who is well adapted to danger.
The main topics of a thriller include: murders (serial/mass), robberies, chases and shootouts. Along with these topics, a thriller will also usually contain a loss or injury, and violent confrontations.
Most thrillers are influenced by horror or psychological experiences which heighten the tension throughout a film, leading up to a climax. The main climax in a thriller film is known to be when the hero defeats the villain in which he will save his own life amongst others.
As well as a climax, thrillers often include red herrings to mislead the audience, and cliff hangers.
The location of a thriller film also plays a big part. Locations such as: cities, deserts, and isolated villages usually are used for films. This means that in moments of high suspense, there is no one around for a victim to call, increasing the frequent action required for a thriller.
In conclusion the following conventions should be considered when creating a thriller film:
· Characters
-Heroes and Villains.
-Policemen and women.
-Ordinary Citizens

· Location(s)

· The crime committed
- A serial or mass murder
- Terrorism
- Assassination
- Loss/Injury
- Danger/Peril
- Violent confrontations

· Climax
- Suspense/ tension
- Red Herrings
- Cliff-hangers
- Fast pacing climax
- Frequent action

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